Are you looking for some work Barcelona? Let us help you:
WORK BARCELONA: the different culture!
Working in Spain is different. The average salary is around €1,636 per month (February 2018 study). Here in Barcelona too, most companies have a siesta which is an extended lunch break of 2-3 hours.
Knowing Spanish helps immensely your ability to get a job. Knowing Catalan will impress any local employer. Native English is however in great demand due to the number of tourists.
As a quick reminder, to work in Spain you need the following documents: Social Security Number (link to make an appointment [here]), an NIE (link [here]) and to obtain these you need an Empadronamiento (appointments [here]).
Most job offers can be found on job seeing websites (,,,, social networks (Facebook groups like "Barcelona Expats"), public bodies (EURES, International Employment offices, Employment public services), local press (newspapers like El Periódico de Catalunya, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, ABC, or El País), call-centres, hospitality and a huge hospitality/au pair/babysitting jobs.